Sunday, March 19, 2023

March 19: A Hipversary and a Double Birthday

We have a new oven but…. the hole in the kitchen island was not a standard size so… our oven is plugged in and works but it is not where it needs to reside. We need a counter cutter to trim the tiniest bit of granite. But at least the oven works.

My hipversary was on Thursday and while it’s exciting to realize that a year has passed since my surgery, I’m not exactly thrilled with my ability to perambulate normally. My left hip intermittently doesn’t function quite right and I limp around. On other days my right leg still aches in a way that I’ve always felt was my bone hurting and that seems to have increased a bit since I fell. So I’m going to my ex-surgeon’s office for an X-ray. I say ex-surgeon because if I need further surgery I will find someone new and also, he retired! I found out when I scheduled the x-ray. It doesn’t quite feel great to know I was within my surgeon’s last six months of surgeries that he did before retiring. And yet, I knew he was no spring chicken.

Speaking of spring chickens, spring is a great time for birthdays. Amy and I celebrated our shared birthday yesterday, as part of a weekend visit with my mom and stepdad. We opened presents yesterday morning because Sarah was so eager to open her couple sister-presents that we knew it would be an easier day overall if we did presents immediately. On the night of the 17th Amy listened to and sang along with “Let it Go” from Frozen in honor of letting go of being 11 and “How Far I’ll Go” from Moana in honor of her upcoming year. The last word she said before bed was “moo” in honor of her alter-ego Moo Kitten and her first word in the morning was “meow” in honor of her love of cats. 

My birthday morning started with Sarah whining and protesting about something I said, so I initially felt grumpy and out of sorts. Birthdays can sometimes be the worst days because of the expectation that they will be the best. It helped when I decided to focus on it being Amy’s birthday rather than my own. It was also wonderful to receive calls from my two best friends that have been my BFFs for 42 years! They are my soul vitamins and I can’t imagine my existence without having such friends so deeply in my heart. Even if we don’t talk or see each other often, I always know without a shadow of a doubt that we are there for each other no matter what. 

This morning Sarah had big feelings and I had little room for them. Luckily Carl and my mom were able to give her some loving attention, listening to her upset. Sarah loved it when my mom mentioned the idea of waking up on the wrong side of the bed. 

To backtrack in time, Thursday night Sarah had a seizure. This was less than 2 weeks since the previous one and happened despite increasing her anti-seizure meds. Her first word after the seizure was “panda” in response to my “hello baby panda!” After about half an hour she walked to my bed with Carl’s support because she tends to be a bit wobbly right after a seizure. She and I didn’t really sleep much, although we rested. Carl and I intended for her to stay home or go to school late so she could sleep as much as she needed. However, Sarah was determined to go to school! Normally I get her up at 5:50 because the bus comes at 6:51 (her driver is precise!) At 6:35 she was still in bed in pajamas, but was clamoring to ride the bus. Somehow, miraculously, she threw on clothes and had some breakfast in time to put her shoes on and get on the bus at 6:55. She didn’t have time to brush her teeth but that’s ok! I told her teacher the situation, but she seemed to have a good day. I didn’t receive any texts or calls. She was in good shape when she got off the bus and didn’t even nap immediately. She did take two long naps yesterday so I think now she’s caught up on sleep, but taking long weekend naps is also par for her course.

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