Sunday, May 16, 2021

May 16: Funny Sarah Moments and Sarah's Best Friend

Imagine if you will…

I calmly tell Sarah that I have a question and if the answer is no that is totally ok and I will respect her wishes. “Could I wash your musical note shirt and pajama pants that you have been wearing for a long time? You could wear the matching shirt.”

Instead of just saying no and trusting that I will heed her words, she yells loudly in protest that I dare suggest such a thing.

Days later… Anna in some way asks about washing Sarah’s 24/7 wardrobe and Sarah somehow conveys: But of course, you merely had to ask.
Another moment of note…

Sarah one morning, screaming repeatedly to Amy, “Wake up!!”

I encourage her to come to my room and snuggle with Carl while I get up to start the day. Sarah gets in bed next to Carl, promptly closes her eyes, and whispers “good night.”

She asks me to close the door on my way out.

We are currently in the last few precious hours of an in-person visit with Mom-Mom. The girls dearly love having Conversations with Mom-Mom, involving snuggles and play. They have pretended to be in the hospital or on the way to the hospital. They have also been waitresses and chefs in a restaurant, making pretend food from Model Magic (a type of modeling clay). It is amazing to me how, after so many months of not being together, it instantly feels normal to be together in person. It is as if no time had passed, except for the fact that Amy grew 3 inches since Mom-Mom last saw her. 

Over the years I have consistently been impressed by how often solutions to my problems are forthcoming as soon as I share my predicaments with others. I decided to trust that the same sort of magic that led to finding volunteers and solutions to problems would work to help me find a professional editor for my book. It turns out that a friend of our sitter C is an editor. I will speak with her on May 25 to see if we are a good match, but I love her website and the book that she wrote about her own life. So I’m feeling hopeful and once again supported after declaring my wishes to others.

Sarah filled out a questionnaire created by Anna and Sarah’s answer about her best friend warms my heart. The page is All About Sarah. In Sarah’s words..
my favorite color is pink 
my family is dad, mom, and amy
my best friend is Amy
my favorite toy is the goodnight moon house.

Lots of love to all of you. May solutions to your problems be easily forthcoming.

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