Sunday, November 8, 2020

November 8: The Election and Sarah-Rise wonderfulness

I spent much of my time the past week hitting “refresh” on my election update page. I am beyond relieved that Biden and Harris won. Tears ran down my cheeks as I listened to Harris and realized what an incredible moment in time this is. I feel like I can breathe again and that the trauma that began 4 years ago can begin to heal. It baffles me how the people on either side of the election just cannot fathom the other’s viewpoint. It is akin to the dress from years ago that people saw as white/gold or blue/black. How can people see one object so differently and absolutely? I admit that my most difficult moments with Sarah often happen when she just doesn’t make sense to me with her lack of reason. We yell and scream at each other at the top of our lungs (sometimes). But then we always return to snuggling and remembering we love each other. I sincerely hope that the tensions that have had so many people so tightly wound and wounded can begin to ease now that we will have someone in charge of the country who does not encourage divisiveness and derision. I have had glimmers of understanding that somehow the people who supported the person I didn’t vote for simply could look past the lies and atrocious behavior, seeking the policy changes. That understanding helps things seem like normal politics with normal disagreements, so I can begin to fathom the divide a tiny bit.

I admit to having trouble remembering anything else from the week. Was there anything else going on? Our cat started coming into Amy’s room every evening to sleep on the bottom bunk of an American Girl Doll bunkbed. Amy spent time being a siren (ala mermaids rather than emergency sounds) and Sarah actively requested to do math with Anna. Sarah’s math, reading, and writing are all leaps and bounds beyond where she was a couple of months ago. I think most of us experience at least one person in our lives as being a total safe haven where we are just on the same wave length and that person can teach us things that others can’t. Anna is that person for Sarah, which means that Sarah is spending more time happily practicing academic skills than ever before. This moment in Sarah’s life reminds me of when we started the Sarah-Rise program for her and her language suddenly started leaping and bounding ahead. I honestly can’t comprehend how we are so blessed to have Anna but I will just continue to thank the universe and our luck and Anna. Anna continues to affirm that the real star is Sarah and that perspective is why Anna is such an amazing facilitator for Sarah’s learning. 

Sarah and Amy have weekly SR sessions with Sc via Facetime and Sarah’s room is always evidence of a good time being had because it is strewn with art supplies or costumes. Amy often has a grumpy feeling when the time is over because she has so much fun she doesn’t want it to end. Sarah has weekly Facetime sessions with G, often asking him about his clothes or what he is going to read. I love that these SR times can continue virtually with new skills being acquired because of the virtual format. My heart also occasionally has a small moments of feeling deeply sad that we cannot see these wonderful people in person. I feel that way about other friends and family too. Mostly we are used to how things are, but every once in a while it is hard. Just as Amy has a few times a week of crying about how much better/easier things would be if she could be in school in person. 

Yesterday was a gorgeous day for blowing bubbles, drawing rainbows, playing card games, and making a potion in a cauldron. Amy cuddled up as a cat on my lap. I know these moments will at some point cease to occur so I drink them in with my whole being. Sarah and I had some clashes but also some sweet tick-tock snuggles, trading giving each other kisses on the head. 

I send you cat snuggles and joyful dances. 

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