Sunday, July 12, 2020

July 12: Week 2 of Camp A amazingness

Sarah loves saying that she is a mouse in a house. 

The girls had a second week of Camp A and it was as amazing as the first week. They went to a creek on one of the super hot days (all of the days were super hot), went to A’s garden to water plants and learn about farming, made pasta from scratch for Fancy Dinner Day. The fancy dinner was served at the Plaid Cat Diner and there were brilliantly-colored tissue paper flowers in vases. Thursday was Doctor Day because the girls had eye doctor appointments. At home before the appointments they tried on many pairs of play glasses. Friday they all created amazing large puppets and paraded around the block. Sarah’s puppet was a house and Amy’s was a cat. Simply stunning. When I found A in the first place I thought they seemed fun and creative. I had no idea of the depth and scope of the fun creativity. The amount of joyful, playful attention given to both Sarah and Amy is phenomenal. What a gift of a person we have in our lives. 

Before the pandemic, Carl had been planning on doing a huge bike race in British Columbia. It was canceled but there was an opportunity to do a virtual race of sorts by doing long mountain biking rides daily for 7 days in a row. Carl did so this past week. I have rarely seen him so bruised and scraped, but he had a great time and is now glad to have some rest for his muscles. 

I had a follow-up sphenoid adjustment and was again shocked by how much it impacted me. I only received maybe 10 minutes of actual work. I was fine driving but was eager to be home. Then I felt totally wiped out for most of the day. Apparently there are still some spots that are rather stuck and the doctor thinks my headaches are related to my eyes since the eye muscles attach to the stuck spots. I will go back for another adjustment in a couple of weeks. Now I know to not expect anything of myself that day.

Friday night Amy had a stomach bug. She seemed totally fine yesterday, until the evening when her tummy was again not happy at all. Again she seems well now. Fingers crossed that that is true. I am tired because Friday night I was so worried about her possibly being really sick, and this spelling doom for all of us, that I could barely sleep. Last night I slept next to Amy and thus was able to be calm and sleep. But all of yesterday and still now I feel anxious and don’t have a calm belly because of it. I know it is nerves because everything calms when I am sufficiently distracted/focused on something else. It feels very challenging to navigate decision-making. Clearly I won’t be very calm if we do get covid-19. Yet, even knowing that, I’m not sure that it makes sense to go back to full lock-down mode. There is so much uncertainty about how and if schools will reopen for in-school sessions. I am dragging my mental and emotional feet about the start of school approaching. 

I measured the girls and over the past three months each has grown at least an inch! 

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