Sunday, December 3, 2023

December 3: A Packed Week of Wonderfulness

Our whole week was packed with fun experiences. The girls didn’t have school on Monday so we got our Christmas tree. We let it settle for the day and decorated it Tuesday after they were home from school. My favorite part was when Sarah wanted to climb a short step ladder, but then actually leaned down to reach branches lower than the ladder. 

I took a week-long zoom class through the Option Institute called Exceptional Woman. As with other classes I have taken there, including all of my Son-Rise Program training (the Option Institute is also the home of the Autism Treatment Center of America), it was life changing in the best way. The premise of their work is that we can look at our beliefs and change them, thus living freer and happier lives. This week I realized that for all of Sarah’s life I have been holding the belief that my fear for her well-being was keeping her safe. I also suddenly came to the understanding that it has actually always been my love keeping her safe, to the extent that I can control that, and that the fear is an extra experience but not the key factor. So I can begin to let go of my superstitions and fears and go more towards feeling my love for her, trusting that I will be guided by that to best help her. The same of course also goes for caring for Amy, but I have historically had less fear for her life, and she has had fewer life-threatening moments. 

Thursday evening we went to the St Anthony Program Christmas party and had a blast. This year there was a dance floor and both girls delighted in dancing. Sarah danced the whole time there was music and loved it when I said she was cutting a rug. I danced for a little bit but then Sarah asked me to sit down! That gave me time to hang out with a friend whose daughter was also dancing. 

Friday evening we had a Higgy event to meet up with other families with kids who have scoliosis. Amy loved connecting with new friends who know exactly what it is like to wear a brace. The venue was Chuck E Cheese, which I hadn’t been to for maybe 35 years, so it was understandable that things had improved. We all had a fun time playing games and connecting with the other people. 

Yesterday morning Carl and I dropped the girls off with Anna for their December bash sleepover that they have been eagerly anticipating for months. Then we hopped in the car with Sonia and her partner and drove to Washington DC. At a rest stop I saw a fun play area with Big Bird and wanted my picture taken to send to Sarah. We got that, and I also got a wet butt from the puddle of rain water I didn’t notice on the seat! 

In DC, we met up with four other family members from different branches of my family, had a delicious dinner, and then saw Swept Away, a musical based on the album Mignonette by the Avett Brothers. I highly recommend it if you live anywhere nearby. It was riveting, powerful, and moving. Our dear friend Adrian Enscoe, from the early Sarah-Rise days, is in it and is incredibly good. 

Aside from all of our big events, some small moments of delight included Sarah talking about falling in gym class. She cracked up as she pretended to be her teacher telling her to be careful. She cracked up further when I said there was a turkey down! A baby Bow-Wow down! That baby musical note wiped out!

Furthermore, when Sarah packed for her sleepover she had a tote bag for any books or toys. She put one item in her bag: Blue Hat, Green Hat

Overall it was a great week! It was packed solid with  wonderful people, connections, and parties. 

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