Sunday, June 11, 2023

June 11: Daughter Date Delights

With Sarah home from school, Carl worked from home almost every day this week so I could teach and see clients. On Tuesday I had the day to be with Sarah and we went uniform shopping so she is all set for school in the fall - except for the tiny detail that the school still hasn’t published the start date. It is hard for me to believe that they don’t already know it so why they wouldn’t share it is beyond me. Or if they don’t know it, why is that so hard to determine? Anyway, when we were at the uniform store, Sarah saw an Ellis shirt. She won’t be attending Ellis but she loved the tiger on the shirt so we got it anyway. Can one really have too many tiger shirts? Plus, it’s a different tiger than the St. Therese tiger. She has been wearing her new shirt almost 24/7, as she does anytime she has a new favorite item of clothing. 

Wednesday night I took Sarah to see Blippi live. Blippi is a tv personality with tons of energy and enthusiasm and with shows geared towards little kids. Sarah has been watching his show for ages so I was hopeful that she would like the live show, but I was uncertain given how she felt overwhelmed when we went as a family to see Frozen live. I was prepared to arrive and leave immediately if that is what Sarah wanted. Instead she was unfazed by the cacophony of an auditorium filled with young children. As soon as she arrived she insisted on getting a Blippi shirt so we did that before finding our seats. She was already wearing a Blippi hat. It was an incredible delight to watch her enjoying the show, singing along with the songs and clapping after each one. She knew the songs like any of us know our favorite album and our favorite rock star. We stayed the whole time and even intermission and our departure went smoothly. 

Friday night I took Amy to see The Little Mermaid movie in a theater and we loved it. She dressed in a mermaid costume that somehow used to reach her feet and now comes to her knees. She has grown 3 inches over the past year so perhaps this is no surprise. I think I was smiling or laughing the entire time, except for the scenes that got me teary, such as when Triton says how much he will miss his daughter Ariel when she won’t be living with him anymore. 

Amy’s school had spirit week so each day had a different theme. One of the days the prompt was to dress as your favorite Marvel character or as a teacher. Amy decided to create her own superhero named Glitch. I love that when she didn’t see a Marvel fit for her she stepped outside of the box. 

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