Sunday, August 22, 2021

August 22: School, Biking, and Rigid Flexibility (Flexible Rigidity?)

Amy is a 5th grader! She has absolutely loved every day of school and is eagerly looking forward to a full week of school. For her first day it rained all day, but she happily donned her new Frozen rainboots and carried her pink cat umbrella. 

Sarah had her first hour of 7th-grade Anna Mouse Sarah Mouse School House. She officially starts 7th grade at her school on Thursday. I still do not have the information about her bus and if she even has one! I am uncharacteristically relaxed about it at this point, probably because I can drive her both ways on Thursday without changing anything on my schedule. Friday is a different matter so my fingers are crossed, and I may be less relaxed if I don’t know more by Wednesday.

Last Sunday Carl took the girls to the Wheel Mill, an indoor biking venue. Sarah had been watching the Olympic track cycling in the Velodrome and asking to ride in the same place. The Wheel Mill isn’t quite the same, but did satisfy Sarah’s desire. She rented a balance bike and Amy used the bike the girls share at home. Amy loved it and did about a million laps. Sarah liked it too, but timed out after a shorter ride. Sarah has also been riding her stationary Zwift bike while watching the Olympic athletes ride. 

Amy is an enthusiastic and prolific Playdoh baker. Her most recent passion is for making layer cakes with frosting and decorations on top. Once the cake is completed she removes a slice so you can see the beauty of her creation. The amount of dried Playdoh food, shaping materials and molds, and fresh Playdoh in our house is staggering, but I want to support Amy’s artistic endeavors in whatever medium she desires. The food creations are used to provide a daily variety of meals to the American Girl Dolls. The dolls also got ready for school each day, with uniforms and masks. Their school is in our family room. 

My brother is visiting and we are having a wonderful relaxed weekend. Sarah gave him a gigantic hug upon his arrival and calls out a morning greeting every day before he is even awake. Later today he will help us move our old couch to a new home because we got a new one. We are hoping our cat is less interested in shredding the new sofa. To prepare the living room, Sarah helped vacuum while wearing sunglasses and her customary pajama bottoms. Her fashion choices often remind me of a stereotypical frat boy.

Sarah is simultaneously the most rigid and most flexible person that I know. For weeks she has been desperately wanting the pair of Spiderman slippers she had when she was 4. These no longer are made, and I can’t find any similar slippers in her size. She has been in tears and screams many times about this. However, this week she easily cut out red circles from construction paper, wrote some letters on them, and taped them to her plaid slippers. Then she was totally happy. So she rigidly had to have her old Spiderman slippers but then super-flexibly allowed a paper substitute that looks nothing like the original.

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