Monday, February 6, 2012

February 6

Carl noticed upon his return from a trip that Sarah seemed more like she was trying to tell him things and to describe what she saw more than before. She had gotten her shirt wet while washing her hands and was saying "wat eh". since she can say water well already I think this was her saying what used to pass for "wet" and then adding her correction of the vowel sound after." this tends to be her pattern with learning and correcting things.

At music class she put up much less resistance when it was time to go in and not play with the door and she only attempted to leave once. She lay on the floor looking up for a lot of the time, which is not common. I don't know if her being calmer was due to having some sarah-rise (with amy) before or because she was still in the final recovery from her cold. She also connected with me more during the class, including giving hugs and chin presses and then she put on her shoes and coat by herself when it was time to go. With many self-care tasks she is perfectly capable but the willingness isn't always there. It's nice when she is willing and motivated.

last night we had friends come over to watch the superbowl. normally sarah doesn't want to watch football but wants her programs instead. Yesterday she happily watched (including after escaping from bedtime and coming back down stairs) and kept saying "wa ff ba" (watch football).

shaking her head no and nodding yes are progressing nicely. she does each with prompting and sometimes shaking no without prompting. both are slightly awkward at this point, especially her nodding yes. it is sort of like she nods her whole body.

In general I feel like her language has progressed another chunk. She often says words now that she has never said and that we have never worked on and she does so by picking two salient sounds that she hears. (eg pigeon becomes p-n).

This past week we got 9hrs and 5 min of official time in with Sarah. At least a few hours of this I also had Amy in the room (either sarah-rise room or family room).

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