Sunday, April 16, 2023

April 16: Walking Comfort and a New Bed Frame

I know this update is coming later than usual. This morning a friend of mine who does myofascial restructuring was working with me, Sarah, and Amy. I had worked with him once already to help my right leg and as of a few days ago I was noticeably moving more smoothly and comfortably than I have been for a few months. I am back to walking comfortably for many blocks. I am in awe of how much this person knows. I was impressed with his work with Sarah and Amy as well. With Amy I can see how the work moves her into more strength and stability. The plan to help with her scoliosis is to work through her interest in gymnastics. She only does cartwheels and handstands leading with her right leg, which may have contributed to an imbalance of muscle use. So the plan is to work towards her being able to do cartwheels and handstands leading with her left leg. The last bit of Amy’s session involved some exercise equipment we have on our second floor. When we came downstairs Sarah was already lying on the massage table ready for her turn! We will have another appointment for all three of us in two weeks. 

Yesterday Amy had a playdate with two friends. After much play in our backyard, they decided to make lemonade. That turned into having a lemonade stand at the corner of our street and giving bus rides in a wooden bus that Carl and the girls made years ago. Amy knocked on neighbors’ doors to let them know about the lemonade stand so in short order the trio of friends had sold out.

We also switched Sarah’s bed frame to one that matches Amy’s - a set that Carl grew up with. Sarah had been using the bed I grew up with but it is slightly higher and has a decorative frame that means rather pointy spires on the ends. The reason for the bed change was that on Friday night Sarah had a seizure that caused her to fall out of bed. That was a first. We don’t think she hit anything on the way down, but we wanted to make the distance a bit shorter if only by an inch. We are waiting to hear back from the neurologist about increasing her anti-seizure meds. Clearly I didn’t knock on wood hard or long enough when we saw her neurologist on Thursday and I said she hadn’t had a seizure since March. She is ok, but needed many naps yesterday. Naps are common for her on weekends anyway, but we could tell she really needed the rest. 

Last night we saw some friends from Carl’s grad school days that we haven’t seen in years. It was so much fun hanging out on our deck and eating pizza. It was a good reminder that we don’t have to plan anything fancy to have company over - that is what pizza is for! 

Now to work more on my book submission form because I think I am close to actually being able to submit to a hybrid publisher! The book is even under 100,000 words!!

When I said I wanted to write my Sarah-Rise Update, Sarah said she wanted to write one too. Carl helped her start a document and she wrote many words such as “Baby Tiger” and “Crocodile.”

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