Sunday, September 8, 2013

September 8

I think the biggest thing from this week was my learning how to get out of Sarah's way and effectively invite her to do more physical movement. For two months I have been doing Becky's program with Sarah and for the movement-to-music parts it has been mostly me moving around while Sarah sat on the sofa. I would model and invite and sometimes physically move her around. She would participate in tiny ways but the main thing she did was watch me. While this may have had immense value as a model, it wasn't getting Sarah up and moving. When I spoke with M. she suggested pausing and telling Sarah it was her turn. Rather inadvertently, I decided to take this to an extreme. I sat on the couch (to block it) and told her it was her turn. The first day I only did so for one song... and she did every movement! The second day I sat out, beaming and telling Sarah it was her turn for 4 songs. She did almost everything. Clapping, stomping, arm-swinging, spinning, walking, galloping, running, jumping, skating, pretending to be an elephant/cat/frog/bird/snake/monkey, and dancing. Absolutely amazing. Her awkward earnestness is almost unbearably adorable. 

Wednesday was our first official Field Trip. Sonia, Sarah, Amy, and I went pear picking. It was beautiful and peaceful and we were the only ones there. Absolutely perfect. 

At the suggestion of our GAPS advisor we are departing from GAPS somewhat. We are still going slow and being stringent about what Sarah eats but we are adding some non-GAPS items in small quantities (potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and quinoa). We had already done the quinoa but she isn't really a big quinoa eater. She is excited to have rice again. I soak it for about 12 hours first. 

I bought some new jigsaw puzzles today and Sarah worked on them diligently for several minutes. She needs a lot of guidance but her stamina for trying is impressive.

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