Sunday, January 24, 2021

January 24: Headache Improvement!!

Amy is selling Girl Scout cookies this year, but not going door to door to take orders. If you live near us I think there is still time to order and select “girl delivery” and we can leave your cookies on your doorstep. That also means you have to wait longer than if you just have them shipped to you. Anyway, if you are interested, here is the link to Amy’s Cookie World:

Sarah is eager for her birthday in a week and wants to open any and every package that comes to our door. She is not a fan of my opening packages away from her, but so it must be. She is also having lots of feelings today because yesterday her rage reached such a pitch that, at the end of a Zoom with Mom-Mom, she threw the ipad. She wasn’t mad at Mom-Mom. I don’t know what she was mad about, but she also crumpled some art Amy made and threw it in the trash. So no ipad time for Sarah today. Aside from that, the week was pretty good.

The best aspect of this past week is that my headaches have basically stopped aside from very low level traces. I (mostly) continue to adhere to my more limited range of food options and I received craniosacral work that felt impactful. But, the most helpful and directly correlated change has been beginning the Presence Process as described by Michael Brown in his book. I do two breathing sessions per day according to his instruction and there is a weekly thought to think whenever I remember to do so. That’s it. So simple and yet the results were profound. I quickly became aware of how often I was tensing and not fully breathing. It was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more often than I would have guessed. I have even started to notice the thoughts that seem to bring on traces of a headache. Whenever I start thinking about planning/scheduling or even thinking about things I need to do, I tense myself. Letting go of that more often means that I feel like I forget things. I forget what I had thought I needed to do. I don’t know that I’m actually forgetting anything important. But it is fascinating to realize how I was using tension to help myself remember and keep things in my head. This is humbling and hopeful. I have had times of feeling more relaxed than I ever remember feeling in recent history, to the point where I think “OH, this is being relaxed! I had forgotten.” 

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