It’s all about the lens through which I view things. This week (again) felt difficult many a time. I became quite aware of the refrain in my head of “I should have… If only I…. How did I not think of….How stupid of me….” It’s really rather exhausting. At least if I’m noticing those voices then maybe I can get them to change their tune.
Sarah is a sparkly, passionate, stubborn child of 17. She has developmental delays and autism. When she was 4 I decided to run a Son-Rise Program, calling it Sarah-Rise. She wasn’t speaking or eating well or potty trained. Eye contact was fleeting, she didn’t play games or play imaginatively. She couldn’t read or write. All of that has changed. I started writing weekly updates so that people could follow our journey.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
September 27: Roller Skates and Musical Note Everything
Sunday, September 20, 2020
September 20: Remote schooling sagas and paper roller-skate wheels
Sunday, September 13, 2020
September 13: A difficult week, a super amazing helper, and laughing a lot
This week has felt heavy and hard and as if anything I’ve ever figured out regarding Sarah is no longer accessible within me. Sarah seems to be having a harder time too with much more screaming and upset than even her usual amounts. Maybe this is because her remote schooling started. It was extremely minimal with just one 40 minute zoom per day with her teacher and an activity sheet. The first day was fine. The second day she didn’t want anything to do with the activity sheet even though she hadn’t even looked at it. Carl had amazing patience and kindness and space for her feelings and to also help her do the sheet so she was ready for the zoom. Then we had Anna (previously referred to as sitter A, now fully named with permission to do so) come early enough to help Sarah with the activity sheet and the zooms for the remaining two days of the week. Certainly with Amy we have noticed times of intense feelings when she sees someone she hasn’t seen in a long time or with school assignments feeling difficult. I hope that similar dynamics are behind Sarah’s extra screamy protests. I also hope I can regain my energy to really have more space and love to give Sarah. I know I will, but I want it NOW. There are times when it is so easy and fun to do and other times when I despair over the repetitiveness and I just don’t have anything left within me except sadness and grumpiness. I know we will both regain our groove together and we have had many moments of ease mixed with the mess. It just all feels extra frustrating and unfair because I had a good 3 weeks where I really was letting her screaming pass over my ears with no upset on my part. I was so calm! I was handling things differently and it seemed to be helping! I didn’t write about it because I didn’t want to jinx it. And yet I still lost my new groove.
Sunday, September 6, 2020
September 6: Screaming appointments, important shorts, and Disaster-pieces
Remember how Sarah doesn’t want me to wash her favorite clothing? Apparently, sitter A asked about washing them when they had their sleepover last weekend and Sarah said yes! And they washed them!