Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 10

This update is coming to you later than usual in the week because we were away over the weekend visiting Carl's family in MN. Given the travel and other hiccups in the schedule I am pleased that we got 6 1/2 hrs of SR time, including a tiny bit in MN. The girls traveled quite well and the trip was wonderful overall. Multiple family members remarked upon how much better Sarah's eye contact was compared to when they saw her several months ago. The improved clarity and amount of her speech was also noticed. YAY!

On Easter we went to church and this was the first time that Sarah seemed to understand a bit of what was going on. Keep in mind that we only go to church a couple times a year (if that many) and that the last time we went with her was a year ago, when she lasted less than a minute. This year she was saying that we were going to church (when we parked there were two bunnies in the adjacent yard!!) and she paid focused attention to everything for about 5 min before declaring that she was done. I took the girls down to the nursery to play and they both did quite well there. Sarah was very good about waiting her turn to wash hands and then get her snack of goldfish and water, which she ate very demurely. Amy was everywhere and into almost everything, as usual.

A new game Sarah enjoys is going "back and forth." This involves whatever she is moving back and forth, be it toy bus or shopping cart. I then ask if she is going back and forth and she attempts to repeat the words. Then I grab her around the belly and back and move her mid-section rapidly back and forth and she laughs and we repeat. Sometimes the "back" is very drawn out on my part "baaaaack" to elicit her attention and anticipation.

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